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Wallet Connection in Frames (wagmi)

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We assume you are familiar with what a Farcaster Frame is. Additionally this guide assumes you are familiar with wagmi.sh. In case you are not learn how to build onchain Frames and do transactions.

Enable Wallet Connections to your web application from Farcaster Frames

  1. Install the @farcaster/frame-wagmi-connector package.

    bun add @farcaster/frame-wagmi-connector

  2. Add the connector to your website

    If you already have an app built with wagmi, then you can add the connector directly:

    import { farcasterFrame } from "@farcaster/frame-wagmi-connector";
    // other imports
    export const wagmiConfig = createConfig({
    // your wagmi config
    connectors: [
    // your other connectors...
    // rest of your wagmi config

    If not you will want to walk through the wagmi setup guide and then add the farcasterFrame Wagmi connector for your Frame to have connected wallets.

  3. Use your wagmi config

    With the Frame connector available you can now use the wagmi config in your Frame.

    This is no different then any other wagmi application. For references to how one can build such Frames or wagmi apps please check the wagmi docs and more Farcaster Frame docs available here.

    To learn about testing your Farcaster Frame with connected wallet refer to the Farcaster Frame Testing Guide.

More detailed steps can be found in the Frame + Webapp Wallet connect tutorial.

Bonus: Make sure you are on the right chain in your Frame transactions

You may face issues where the chain you expect it to be is not the one the users wallet is. Using the chainId we can detect the current chain and switch to the one we need. Wagmi with the useChainId and useSwitchChain hooks provides a way to switch chains and monitor everything we need.

In a react based project the following effect does the trick:

import { useChainId, useSwitchChain } from "wagmi";
import { base } from "wagmi/chains";
// your function / component
export default function YourComponent() {
const chainId = useChainId();
const { switchChainAsync } = useSwitchChain();
useEffect(() => {
const switchToBase = async () => {
if (chainId !== base.id) {
try {
await switchChainAsync({ chainId: base.id });
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to switch to Base:", error);
}, [chainId, switchChainAsync]);
return (
// some JSX